Some examples:
- Retailer: Conferences on a new marketing strategy.(UK/Germany)
- Two NGO’s: Conference, team coaching and personal coaching.(Germany/Pakistan)
- Health insurance company: Training of all managers (coaching skills).(The Netherlands)
- Organisation empowering disabled workers: Training for job coaches. (The Netherlands)
- Chemical company: MD program.(Germany)
- Automobile manufacturer: Search conferences on work process agreements between dealers and the manufacturer.(USA./UK/Norway)
- Global manufacturer of electronic chips: Worldwide MD program for middle management, in cooperation with Nijenrode University, Holland. (USA/Europe/Asia)
- Computer company (Chinese/Japanese joint venture): Workshop teambuilding & creativity.(China)
- International bank: Training program “Private Banking” and an outdoor program for junior management. (The Netherlands/Belgium)
- Satellite manufacturer: Search conferences. During the conference participants made agreements on work processes and they established relations with new stakeholders. (Germany/UK)
- University/academic hospital: Seminar on leadership for doctors and managers.(The Netherlands)
- Academic hospital and university: Training projectmanagement, consultancy.(The Netherlands)
“Working with Trix Driessen reveals unexpexted sources of power that really make you take steps. She does not open a box with managementtricks…but adresses people’s self empowering capacities in a direct and personal style…”
Rob Reuzel, PhD, Programme Coordinator Biomedical Science, University Lecturer, Radboud University Nijmegen
“…I work together with Trix Driessen in a management course for doctors in geriatrics in a very nice way . Her expertise to design a program that meets the needs of the participants is striking. While executing the seminar, she watches carefully that the participants learn what they need. Very professional!”
Drs.Henk Geertsema, Head of education, GERION/VU medical centre, Free University Amsterdam
“ To help Mama Cash…improve our workprocess and the use of our time…, Trix Driessen designed and facilitated a conference on time management…It was an inspiring, instructive and also amusing day. Trix’s professional and nice facilitation… also during the preparation..…helped us to take new steps and we certainly made some improvements already!”
H.Timmer, Human Resource Advisor, Mama Cash
“During my coaching…Trix offered me a good combination, making the “big picture” more understandable on the one hand and giving …practical tips on the other.. .For me the latter was very confronting but extremely good. You only learn when you try to put new behavior into practice. For me the coaching was very valuable and I think it is for everyone who…knows where the bottle-necks are but…does not adress them.”
I.Fikkert, Human Resource Coordinator, Doctors of the World